14. mai 2024

Student life

Create an unforgettable college experience and stay updated on what's happening at your campus!

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13. mai 2024

Order books online

Order books here for home delivery or click and collect.

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Les mer
10. mai 2024

Privacy statment

This privacy statement explains how the Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet collects and uses personal information.

The Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet, represented by the Managing Director, is responsible for the organization's processing of personal information. Where daily responsibility has been delegated, it is specified under each point. The delegation only covers tasks and not responsibilities. The statement includes information you are entitled to when information is collected from our website (Personal Data Act § 19) and general information on how we process personal information (Personal Data Act § 18, paragraph 1).

Processing of personal data on sinn.no

The web editors are responsible for the Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet's processing of personal information on sinn.no unless stated otherwise. It is voluntary for visitors to provide personal information in connection with services, such as filling out a contact form. The legal basis for processing is consent from the individual, unless otherwise specified.

The Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet's data processor is Dialecta Communication, which is our marketing partner and supplier for the development and maintenance of the website. Dialecta Communication is our service provider for sinn.no.

Information collected in connection with website operation is stored on our own servers managed by the provider. Only the Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet and Dialecta Communication have access to the information collected. A separate data processing agreement between the Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet, Dialecta Communication, and Dialecta Communication regulates what information the provider has access to and how it should be processed.

Web statistics

The Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet collects anonymized information about visitors to sinn.no using Google Analytics. The purpose of this is to compile statistics that we use to improve and further develop the information service on the website. Examples of what the statistics provide answers to are how many visit various pages, how long the visit lasts, which websites users come from, and which browsers are used.

The information is processed in an anonymized and aggregated form. Anonymized means that we cannot trace the information we collect back to the individual user. We collect the entire IP address, but the IP address is anonymized so that only the first three groups in the address are used to generate statistics. This means that if the IP address consists of the numbers, only 195.159.103.xx is used. In addition, IP addresses are processed at an aggregated level, which means that all data is combined into a group and not processed individually.

We use the Google Analytics analysis tool on our website. Information from this tool is not disclosed by the Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet to other parties than our marketing partner.


Cookies are small text files placed on your computer when you download a website.

Storage of information and processing of this information is not allowed unless the user has been informed about and has given consent to the processing. The user should be informed of and approve which information is processed, what the purpose of the processing is, and who processes the information, cf. the Electronic Communications Act § 2-7b.

The following cookies are used on sinn.no:

  • The Google Analytics analysis tool sets cookies on your machine. This is done so that we can collect statistics and can be deleted after 90 days. You can read more about web statistics above.
  • Our publishing solution (WordPress) also places cookies on your machine, these are used in connection with the display of campus information and can be deleted by the user.
  • Google remarketing: With the remarketing function or "Similar audiences" function in Google Ads, we reach out to people who have previously visited the website sinn.no, and we will be able to show ads to these individuals.
  • Meta pixel: With the remarketing function in Facebook and Instagram, we reach out to people who have previously visited the website sinn.no, and will be able to show ads to these individuals.
  • Third-party providers, including Google and Meta, use cookies to display ads based on previous visits to the website sinn.no. You can opt out of Google's use of cookies by going to Google's Ad Settings. You can also opt out of a third-party provider's use of cookies by going to the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.

How to manage cookies (nettvett.no)

Contact forms

On the website, you can fill out contact forms. We then ask for contact information. Personal information we receive will not be used for purposes other than managing the inquiry.

Email and telephone

The Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet uses email and telephone as part of the daily work. Relevant information that arises from phone calls and email exchanges that occur as part of case processing can be archived.

In addition, the Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet's employees use email in ordinary dialogue with internal and external contacts. The individual is responsible for deleting messages that are no longer relevant and at least once a year reviewing and deleting unnecessary content in the mailbox. Upon departure, email accounts are deleted, but some relevant emails will normally be transferred to colleagues.

Special categories of personal data (previously Sensitive personal data) should not be sent by email.

We inform you that regular email is unencrypted. We therefore encourage you not to send confidential, sensitive, or other confidential information via email.

Employees have an overview of the latest calls on their phones. If a phone call is related to a specific case, a note may be written after the call, which is then documented. There is no other systematic registration of phone calls where the caller can be identified.


Everyone who asks is entitled to basic information about the processing of personal information in an organization according to the Personal Data Act's § 18, paragraph 1. The Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet has provided this information in this statement and will refer to it in case of any inquiries. Those registered in one of the Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet's systems have the right to access their own information. The individual also has the right to request that incorrect, incomplete, or information that the Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet is not authorized to process be corrected, deleted, or supplemented. Requests from the data subject shall be answered free of charge and no later than within 30 days.

We refer to our rights portal to access your rights under privacy regulations. https://policies.samsvar.as/public/nb/f16dbf8d-02ae-4843-9139-85a17612c6d4/request

Contact information

Email: [email protected] Phone: 414 54 900 Postal Address: Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

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Siste nytt

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3. mai 2024

Test engelsk

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12. februar 2024

Book Kilden til eget arrangement

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6. februar 2024

Tips til egenkjærlighet

Den viktigste og kanskje aller vanskeligste formen for kjærlighet er egenkjærlighet. Det er ikke så enkelt å være en god student, en god venn eller en god kjæreste om du ikke tar vare på deg selv og har overskudd til å gi kjærlighet og omsorg til andre. Her får du syv tips til hvordan du kan bli mer glad i deg selv!

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26. februar 2024

Mars = hump month!

Mars kan for mange oppleves som en kneik. Kanskje er du litt lei av snø og mørket? Du vet at våren nærmer seg, men den er fortsatt litt for langt unna. Vi har valgt å kalle mars "hump month" og her finner du tips som hjelper deg over kneika!

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10. mai 2024

SINN Housing

Here you can find useful information for incoming exchange students and incoming full degree students attending the INN University and applying for/moving into our student housing.

All the Norwegian pages at sinn.no can be translated into your choice of language in you web browser.

Les mer
13. mai 2024

Frequently asked questions

Les mer
16. mai 2024


Stay up to date on what's happening for students in Innlandet! Here you will find both courses and other events. Events are held both in person and online, and most of it is free!

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24. januar 2023

Booking Rena

På utkikk etter et lokale til ditt arrangement? Da har du kommet til riktig sted! Du kan enten reservere hele lokalet, eller kun utvalgte sitteplasser. Visste du at du også kan bestille catering fra oss?

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Booking Blæstad

På utkikk etter et lokale til ditt arrangement? Da har du kommet til riktig sted! Visste du at du også kan bestille catering fra oss?

[formidable id=7]

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Booking Lillehammer

Velkommen til et godt utvalg av mat, sprudlene medarbeidere og studentvennlige priser!

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26. januar 2023

Book Fysen til eget arrangement

På utkikk etter et lokale til ditt arrangement? På Terningen Arena har vi moderne og romslige lokaler. Vi stiller også med catering, om du har behov for det.

Fyll inn skjema for bookingforespørsel

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3. januar 2023

Mette Skaug


Kontorsted Hamar

Mette er utdannet pedagog og kognitiv terapeut.

Tlf. 414 04 194

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Marius Aase


For å snakke med psykolog må du bli henvist via en av våre samtaleterapeuter.

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2. januar 2023


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Kristin Flaten Gunstad


Kontorsted: Internatet, Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

Samtaleterapeut Kristin er utdannet psykiatrisk sykepleier og kognitiv terapeut.

Tlf. 916 21 478

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Studentprest Anne



Kontorsted Lillehammer

Anne har kontordager mandag, tirsdag og torsdager.

Les mer
8. desember 2022

Last ned app for rabatt

Du kan spare mye penger, om du laster ned appen "a" fra Akademika.

Les mer
23. november 2022


Adresse: Telthusveien 12, 2450 Rena

Åpningstid: Mandag-torsdag: 08.30-15.30
Fredag: 08.30-14.30

Tlf.:906 95 133
E-post: [email protected]

Les mer
8. november 2022


Nye og freshe lokaler, digg mat og herlig atmosfære. Velkommen til ditt spisested på campus Elverum!

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23. november 2022

Nå kan du søke barnehageplass

Trenger du barnehageplass til høsten? Da er det på tide å søke, for å sikre seg en plass i den fantastiske studentbarnehager vår.

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21. november 2022


Adresse: Telthusveien 12, 2450 Rena

Åpningstid: Mandag-torsdag: 08.30-15.30. Fredag: 08.30-14.30

Spisested Rena
Tlf.: 906 95 133
E-post: [email protected]

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Adresse: Hamarvegen 112, 2406 Elverum

Åpningstid: Mandag-torsdag 08.00-16.00. Fredag: 08.00-14.30

Espen Dellerud

E-post: [email protected]

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Adresse: Vormstuguvegen 2, 2624 Lillehammer

Åpningstid: Mandag-torsdag: 08.00-17.00 Fredag: 08.00-16.00

Tor Erik bakken
Tlf.: 905 61 770
E-post: [email protected]

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Adresse: Holsetgata 31, 2318 Hamar

Åpningstid: Mandag-torsdag: 08.00-16.00. Fredag: 08.00-14.30

Jan Erik Sivle
Tlf.: 902 57 449
E-post: [email protected]

Les mer
18. november 2022

Våre spisesteder og kaffebarer

Våre kokker brenner for å servere deg god og hjemmelaget mat hver eneste dag. Hos oss kan du spise variert og sunn mat, til studentvennlige priser.

Les mer
29. mai 2024

How it works

If you are considering applying for a spot at our kindergarten but are unsure how the enrollment process works, you can read more about the application process here.

The main enrollment period and application deadline is March 1st every year, but it is possible to apply throughout the year. Applications will be considered if there are available spots when you apply.

If there are no available spots, you will be placed on a waiting list.

Students waiting for a response to their study application can terminate their daycare placement without notice until July 31st.

Here is the priority order for our daycare:

Children of students are given priority

Children with disabilities and children for whom decisions have been made under the Child Welfare Services Act according to §13 of the Kindergarten Act

Children/families recommended for placement based on professional assessment

Siblings of children already attending the daycare

Children of employees

Children of non-students

Children from other municipalities

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

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4. november 2022

Vi kan faglitteratur

Vi samarbeider tett med fagmiljøene slik at pensumlitteratur til enhver tid skal være tilgjengelig for studenter og ansatte. Om du skulle ha spesielle behov innen faglitteratur, strekker vi oss langt for å kunne hjelpe deg.

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We do not have a physical bookstore at Evenstad, but you are welcome to our bookstore at Rena. You can also order curriculum literature through our order form, where you can choose whether you want to pick up the Books on campus Rena, or have them sent to the nearest post office.

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Vi har ikke fysisk butikk på Blæstad, men du er hjertelig velkommen til vår bokhandel på Hamar. Du kan også bestille pensumbøker gjennom vårt bestillingskjema, der kan du velge om du vil hente bøkene på campus Hamar, eller få tilsendt de til nærmest postmottak.

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Adresse: Telthusveien 12, 2450 Rena

Åpningstid: Mandag, onsdag og fredag: 09.00-16.00
Tirsdag og torsdag: 09.00-15.00

Tlf.: 906 91 862

E-post: [email protected]

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Adresse: Hamarveien 112, 2406 Elverum

Åpningstid: Mandag, onsdag og fredag: 09.00-16.00
Tirsdag og torsdager: 09.00-15.00

Tlf: 907 03 458

E-post: [email protected]

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Adresse: Holsetgata 31, 2318 Hamar

Åpningstid: Mandag-fredag, 08.30-16.00

Tlf.: 906 91 354

E-post: [email protected]

Les mer
3. november 2022

Bestill pensum

Har du ikke anledning til å komme innom oss – og vil ha bøkene så fort som mulig? Da kan du bestille bøkene dine her!

Les mer
27. januar 2023

Kantine Evenstad

Vi drifter ikke kantinen på Campus Evenstad. Finn informasjon om "Johnnys kantine på Evenstad" på Facebook.

Les mer
13. mai 2024

Counselling service for students

We are here for you if you need someone to talk to.

Les mer
10. mai 2024

For beboere

Nyttig info og tips til deg som bor i SINN studentbolig

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Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to what you need to know about applying for an student housing.

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5. januar 2023

Studentliv Hamar

Skap en uforglemmelig studietid, og få med deg det som skjer på campus Hamar.

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Studentliv Lillehammer

Skap en uforglemmelig studietid, og få med deg det som skjer på campus Lillehammer.

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Studentliv Elverum

Skap en uforglemmelig studietid, og få med deg det som skjer på campus Elverum.

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Studentliv desentraliserte studiesteder

Skap en uforglemmelig studietid, og få med deg det som skjer på ditt campus.

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Studentliv Rena

Skap en uforglemmelig studietid, og få med deg det som skjer på campus Rena.

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Studentliv Evenstad

Skap en uforglemmelig studietid, og få med deg det som skjer på campus Evenstad.

Les mer
8. mai 2024


Welcome to SINN Bok at campus. We know academic litterature!

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Contact us

Er det noe du lurer på?
Ta kontakt med oss.

Les mer
3. januar 2023

test alt

Din studenthelse er viktig for oss. Vi er her for å hjelpe deg!

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10. mai 2024

test alt

Your health is important to us. We are here to help you!

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3. januar 2023

test alt

Din studenthelse er viktig for oss. På Hamar har vi samtaleterapeuter, psykolog og studentprest som er her for deg, om du har behov for noen å prate med.

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